“Once in a while it really hits people that they don’t have to experience the world in the way they have been told to.”
— Alan Keightley
Lockdown edition: The Sound of Compliance

Lockdown edition: The Sound of Compliance

I’ve had this song parody forming in my head for a couple of days now, and tonight, it took shape. Sing along to The Sound of Silence (Simon & Garfunkel). I hope this gives you a bit of light relief in these weird times!

The Sound of Compliance

Hello sofa, my old friend
I've come to sit on you again
Because a virus softly creeping
Left its seeds while we were sleeping
And the PM said we all must stay inside
We complied
Within the sound of lockdown.

Around my house I walked alone
Scrolling madly on my phone
We’re in a national emergency
The difference we’ll make is clear
We're being told to just sit down inside on our bum
And not be dumb
Cos we really need compliance.

And in the empty street I saw
A couple cars, but no more
People at home without leaving
People caring about this thing
People walking dogs, but only round their hood
They know what’s good
To stop the spread of COVID.

Adern said, "You guys should know
Who’re the real COVID heroes
Let’s stay inside so we can help them
Don’t be a dick and cause a problem.”
And her words, a reality check that echoed true
And convinced even fools
Into compliance.

So the lockdown came along
Four weeks really ain’t that long.
Heed our PM’s warning
Stay in the bubble you’re forming
Cos she said the words of the experts
All show that if it bursts
It gets worse,
And whisper'd please, keep up compliance.

Lockdown edition: Reframing restrictions

Lockdown edition: Reframing restrictions

Lockdown edition: Week thirteen roundup

Lockdown edition: Week thirteen roundup